Schools are often considered as a second home for children as they spend most of their time at school when away from home. So, the type of school, your children, goes to serves multiple purposes in their life. Some of these purposes may include boosting their confidence level, making them more skilled in different fields, instilling moral values, etc. So it can be clearly said that school is the place for students to learn, develop, and grow both academically and socially. Often, kids are being sent to schools because it is believed that schools will be able to lead the students in the right direction.

Most importantly, parents send their kids to school only when they consider that the school is safe for their children. By safety, it does not only mean being harmless; it only means better quality education and well-built infrastructure. The infrastructure of a school plays a vital role in creating a better environment for the growth of a child.

It is always disheartening on the parent’s side to send their child to a school with poor infrastructure. Parents should feel safe while sending their children to a school, and this safe feeling comes from the type of school building and the environment where the school is located. Not only parents, but students must also feel a sense of belongingness to the school they choose to go to. Only then children will feel like going regularly and learning more. Children find it most comfortable to go to a school that provides physical comfort and other necessary facilities like computer laboratory, Art room and library, etc. to name a few. For the children to feel more secure and comfortable, schools should be able to provide an environment which assures both the mental and physical well-being of them. There are many studies which proved the positive effect of proper infrastructure to the development of the students.

Students who study in schools of poor infrastructure have lower development rate than those studying in schools with high-end or relatively better support. But some students perform well irrespective of the support and faculty of the school. This point makes it clear that the construction or the features of the school play a secondary role in the development of the students. What matters the most is the will power of the students to learn. For this, students need inspiration and good concentration power, which comes from excellent infrastructure.

In case you are looking for one such school with excellent infrastructure, then check out GIS, Ganga International School. So, GIS tries to maintain an excellent foundation for the development of the students. Students get the opportunity to experience multiple areas like games and sports, arts, drawing, singing, dancing, etc. and develop their interest accordingly.

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